The Second Squad is investigating a Commercial Burglary that occurred between Friday, November 8, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. and Saturday, November 9, 2024 at 11:21 a.m. in Hicksville.
According to Detectives, unknown subject(s) entered Precision Auto Care located at 16 Jerusalem Avenue by knocking down an exterior security fence and entering through an unlocked garage door. The subject(s) removed a red 1995 Mercedes Benz from the scene and fled in an unknown direction. There is no further description of the subject at this time. The investigation is ongoing.
Detectives request anyone with information regarding the above listed crime to contact Nassau County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-244-TIPS or to call 911. All callers will remain anonymous.
Details by: Det. Risco/2ndSquad 11/09/24/1515/9633
***UPDATE*** Det. Risco/2nd Sqd 11/9/24/2030/8688
Upon further investigation it was determined that defendant Brayan Galiono Hernandez, 19, of 10 Gerald Avenue, Hicksville, was responsible for the above listed crime. It was determined the defendant was involved in multiple vehicular accidents while operating the above Mercedes Benz in the vicinity of 1st Street and Frevert Place. Galiono Hernandez was confronted by a male witness, 35, when he struck the male multiple times in the head with a bottle, causing a large laceration. Galiono Hernandez fled on foot and entered a fenced residence on 5th Avenue, which was actively under construction. The foreman notified officers Galiono Hernandez was not an employee and was hiding in the house. Officers were approached by Galiono Hernandez who was exiting the residence in possession of a 4 ft. level and proceeded to swing it at the officer. The officer deployed his Electronic Control Device (ECD) and placed the defendant under arrest. Galiono Hernandez was determined to be intoxicated.
The male victim who was struck in the head was transported to an area hospital for treatment and evaluation.
The defendant was also transported to an area hospital for evaluation and treatment.
Galiono Hernandez is charged with Burglary 3rd Degree, Criminal Mischief 3rd Degree and Grand Larceny 3rd Degree, for the initial incident at 16 Jerusalem Avenue. He was additionally charged with two (2) counts of Burglary 1st Degree, Burglary 2nd Degree, Criminal possession of a Weapon 4th Degree, two (2) counts of Assault 2nd Degree, Assault 3rd Degree, Menacing a Police Officer, Resisting Arrest, Obstructing Governmental Administration 2nd Degree, Attempted Assault on a Police Officer, Criminal Possession of Stolen Property 4th Degree, DWI, Leaving the Scene of an Incident and Criminal Mischief 4th Degree. He will be arraigned on Saturday, November 10, 2024 at First District Court, Hempstead.
Details by: Det. Schierle/4th Sqd 11/09/2024/2240/8688